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Here are our leading offers for Poultry from the Spring Catalogue. Prices may vary due to freight.

A nutritious, balanced and complete everyday pelleted feed specifically formulated for laying birds of all breeds in a home flock.

Shop in Store: Barastoc Golden Yolk 20KG

A nutritious balanced and complete vegetarian grain mix formulated from all natural ingredients for laying hens in a home flock. Suitable for all breeds of laying poultry.

Shop in Store: Barastoc Darling Downs 20KG

A premium quality poultry breeder and layer food formulated to be fed to all classes of breeding and laying poultry.

Shop in Store: Laucke Red Hen Layer 20KG

High potency – Kills Worms Fast. Contains: 14g/L Levamisole.

Click to Shop: Vetsense Kilverm Pig & POultry 125ML

For the prevention and treatment of coccidiosis in chickens and all other poultry and birds. EGG-SAFE.

Click to Shop: Vetsense Cocciprol 100G

A super concentrated formulation, making it an effective control of Roundworm in poultry, pigeons, cage birds and pigs.

Click to Shop: Piperazine 100ML