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CEVA (Nature Vet)

Thundershirt Grey Anxiety Small

$70.54 GST

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The ThunderShirt Dog Anxiety Jacket Grey provides you with a Drug-Free solution for dogs who suffer from anxiety. Thundershirt is a proven solution for many types of dog anxiety – thunderstorms, fireworks, separation, travel, crate and much more. Thundershirt works by applying gentle but constant pressure which helps to calm a dog when anxious, fearful or over excited. The gentle pressure to the soft tissue helps to reduce anxiety and promote feelings of relaxation. Experts believe that it has a calming effect on the nervous system possibly due to encouraging a calming hormone similar to endorphins. ThunderShirts are recommended worldwide by veterinarians and veterinary behaviourists as a highly effective tool to help with treating common fears and anxieties, including storm phobias, travel anxiety, barking, trips to vets and separation anxiety.