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By Johnny Camilleri / Hypro Premium

Kangaroo has many advantages as a meat ingredient in dog food. It is an ideal source of protein and is considered to be naturally the leanest red meat protein available.

This makes it an ideal choice for any dogs that suffer from conditions, like pancreatitis, that require a low-fat diet.

The levels of fat that kangaroo carries are not only low, but they are also unsaturated, which, although not as important in dogs as it is in humans, is a bonus.

In addition, kangaroo meat has among the best levels of zinc and iron of any meat on the market. The importance of zinc is that it is critical for the correct function of cell membranes. It also supports a dog’s immune responses to disease, making sure they quickly recover from any wounds they may suffer in the rough and tumble of canine life.

Zinc also assists dogs to metabolize both proteins and carbohydrates. In a dog’s diet, zinc boosts the health of their coats and helps to toughen their paw pads. Zinc can also enhance a dog’s energy levels.

As well as zinc, kangaroo meat is also an excellent source of iron in a dog’s diet. The primary function of iron is to combine with both copper and protein to create haemoglobin. This is the oxygen-carrying molecule that is found in red blood cells.

If a dog is deficient in iron it can lead to anemia in the form of a lower than a normal number of red blood cells. This can not only hinder a dog’s growth rate but also weaken the animal’s immune system.

Because kangaroo is high in iron it helps treat any dogs that suffer constipation. Iron is also required to enable some of a dog’s body’s enzymes to function normally.

At Hypro Premium we find that kangaroo pairs particularly well with turkey meat, for our working dog products.

Because there is no commercial farming of kangaroos they live in the wild where they are untainted by unnatural products being added to their diets to boost profitability. Their lives are lived in a totally natural habitat.

When they are selected for food the entire operation is regulated by the government to adhere to strict principles of sustainability.